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Ein Papierhaus mit einen ausgechnittenem Herz darin
Eine Grafik mit dem Unternehmensversprechen

Investor with a heart!

Real estate in family hands

– Professional & qualified

support for our rental partners

Ein Fondmotiv grauer Beton

We prefer to be in the land register than in the press

"MARX City Investor" is a family-owned company that has been purchasing properties nationwide for over 40 years in order to manage them in its own portfolio in the long term.


With many years of experience in the conception, marketing, revitalisation, redevelopment and implementation of new buildings, we deal with both residential and commercial real estate. Our properties are sustainable investments. The maintenance of these through permanent care and support is our top priority. We are very reserved to the press about our activities. Our motto is:


For us, "investor with heart" means:

  1. Everyone with whom we work is considered to be a genuine and valued partner - our partners can rely on us, our dependability and our word at all times.

  2. Moderate profitability is sufficient - we detest greed and maximising profits at all costs.

  3. For us, humanity comes before return.

Ein Bild eines grünen Fonds für dne Hintergrund
Eine Hand mit einen Papierhaus in dr Hand und derm KÚntzernehmenslogo darauf



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                 ASSET MANAGEMENT  

 Keep values ​​active


  Reliability, commitment and

earnestness when

buying real estate 


SINGLE SOURCE                               

Asset & property management is

carried out by our own team 


 Shaping the future sustainably

 Environmental Protection             

 Ecological construction 

Ein Bild des Unternhemnssitezs am Bladeneysee

 Present nationwide for over 40 years 

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